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Family Law at Nachla Law

Nachla Law Office specializes in all aspects of family law.

(separation agreements, marriage contracts, cohabitation agreements, etc.)


Opinion letter on foreign divorce

Independent legal advice

Division/equalization of property of married spouses

Property claims of common law spouses

Settle amicably if we can. Fight in court if we have to. We are by your side.

We understand that a marriage or relationship breakdown is a difficult and emotional time. We make sure that our clients have all the compassion, help and guidance we can possibly provide to get through this life-changing event. Generally, the level of conflict in your case will reflect the level of conflict in your relationship with your former or present partner. We strongly believe that we can resolve disputed on your behalf, in-line with your goals. You have a choice, and the way you choose to resolve the issues can make them worse or better. 

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